International Publication
A Protocol for Enhanced imaging and Quantification of Cervical Cell Under Scanning Electron Microscope - May Valzon
Relationship Between Knowledge And Behavior Of Personnel Protective Equipment Usage With Contact Dermatitis In Oil Palm Pesticide Workers - Ratih Ayuningtiyas, Tyagita Widya Sari
Anti-cancer and anti-gout potential of some Indonesian and Malaysian Medicinal Plants - Susi Endrini
In vitro Antioxidant and Anti-obesity Activities of Freeze-dried Canarium sp., Averrhoa bilimbi L. and Malus domestica - Susi Endrini
The Effect Of Abortion, Use Of Hormonal Contraception, First Age Of Pregnancy And Parity On The Incidence Of Breast Cancer At The Riau Referral Hospital - Syamsul Bahri Riva'i
The Effect Of Abortion, Use Of Hormonal Contraception, First Age Of Pregnancy And Parity On The Incidence Of Breast Cancer At The Riau Referral Hospital - Syamsul Bahri Riva'i
Severe Preeclampsia-Eclampsia and Their Associated Factors - Syamsul Bahri Riva'i
Evaluation of Physico chemical Properties of Trigona sp. Stingless Bee Honey from various Districts Johor - Susi Endrini
Acute Toxicity Study and Antioxidant Activities of Pohpohan Leaves (Pilea trinervia (ROXB) Wight) and Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) - Susi Endrini
Polyethylene Terephtalate Plastic Degradation Using Soil Bacteria from Mount Jayawijaya, Papua, Indoneasia - Asiska Permata Dewi
The Antibacterial Activity of Pineapple Extract on the Growth of Pathogenic Bacteria - Deinike Wanita Marwan
Successful Delivery Outcome after Cervical Cerclage on Cervical Insufficiency with PPROM in Limited Resource Setting: A Case Report - Syamsul Bahri Riva'i
The Comparation Effect Of Aerobic Training On Low Intensity And Moderate Intensity In Vo2max Adolescence With Active Smoker - Renni Hidayati Zein
Analysis of Aggressive Behavior in High School Students in The City of Pekanbaru - Putri Wulandini
Effectivenes of Mentoring Program to Improving Attitude of Pasien Safety - Putri Wulandini
Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice Of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention Among Mothers In Endemic and Non-Endemic Locations Of Pekanbaru City, Riau Province, Indonesia - Tyagita Widya Sari
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Book Abstract - International Conference of Pharmaceutical, Health, and Science (ICOPHAS) 2023Pentru a obține un credit urgent de azi, este important să ai o strategie bine pusă la
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